Beiratkozási lehetőségek

Goal of teh course: Survey of ophthalmic anatomy from microsurgical point of view. Acquirement of basic knowledge on the most frequently practiced ophthalmological operations and interventions (cataract operations, small plasties/operations of the eyelids, intravitreal injections). Navigation training in the anterior segment of the eye with the help of surgical simulator, practicing the use of operation microscope, use of microsurgical devices. Visiting the facilities of outpatient ophthalmology intervention theatre.


5 week course:, one hour seminar and two hours practice each week

Seminar 1: Anatomy of the eye and surrounding tissues from microsurgical point of view

Practice1-2: Adjusting the operating microscope, navigation in the anterior segment I.

Seminar 2: Sutures and suturing techniques in ophthalmology

Practice 3-4: Adjusting the operating microscope, navigation in the anterior segment II.

Seminar 3: The most frequent ophthalmological operation: Cataract surgery and its techniques

Practice 5-6: Adjusting the operating microscope, navigation in the anterior segment III.

Seminar 4: Small surgery of the eyelids

Practice 7-8: Visiting the outpatient surgical facilities, desinfection and isolation of the operation area, anaesthesia, wet and dry-lab.

Seminar 5: Intravitreal injections- basic knowledge on indications, drugs and legislation

Practice 9-10: How to give an intravitreal injection? (Sham injections) Test writing.

Books: G. Lang: Ophthalmology A pocket textbook atlas

Examination method: test writing

Examination rating: 5 grade practical mark

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